5 color palette ideas for your website

Choosing your colors is a crucial step in bringing your brand to life on your website!

If you’re DIYing your brand or your website needs a breathe of fresh life - I’ve put together 5 color palette ideas to get your creative juices flowing! Sometimes we can go overboard on color (I mean it’s so fun!!), so I’ve paired it down to focus on just 3 colors that will work together and make your website pop!

How to use these:

I suggest using the darkest color as a headline color, the lightest color as a background color and the middle color as an accent, such as heading 2 or heading 3. Check out this quick transformation video updating my Boho Queen template with the beach babe color palette! It’s as easy as that.

Which one is your favorite??

Squarespace Template Color palettes

#BC6C29 | #29505B | #D8E1E3

(just copy and paste!)

Squarespace Template Color Palettes

#EBDDCF | #C1922D | #C6D6D0

Squarespace  Template

#CEAAA2 | #EAD6CE | #D6C4B8

Squarespace Website Template

#F7D6DF | #F5992A | #FBD2C2

Squarespace Website Template

#F04E30 | #29505B | #EFDED0


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