How to duplicate a page in Squarespace ( 7.0 + 7.1)

If you’ve ever created a layout you loved or used of my templates and wanted to copy a page this is the tutorial for you!

In Squarespace 7.0 there are 3 types of pages.

  • An individual “page” which is just one page by itself

  • A “collection” page which is a blog, gallery, products, events, album and Index

  • And “other” pages including cover page, folder and link

Squarespace Website Template

Normal pages can be duplicated very easily, while “collection” pages cannot be. Now most of the time you are not ever going to need to copy a blog page or gallery page because those are so specific - but Index pages are a huge bummer to not be able to copy. BUT I’m going to show you a quick work around so you still can!

NOTE: If you design a lot of websites and find yourself needing to copy these types of pages often, there is a Chrome Plugin that is amazing and gives you the ability to do it! I’m not an affiliate, I just love the plugin!

How to duplicate a single page in 7.0 or 7.1

  1. When signed into your site, in the gray panel on the left side go to PAGES

  2. Hover over the single page you want to duplicate in the pages menu and click the settings wheel on the right

  3. In the menu that pops up, scroll all the way down to the bottom and choose “duplicate”

  4. The page will go to the top of your “NOT LINKED” pages. Make sure you give it it’s own name and not “About Copy”.
    Read more about making sure your page names are right in my website launch checklist.

How to duplicate an index page

This may be a few more steps than you hoped, but it’s much quicker than having to re-create the designs ;)

  1. Since Index Pages are made up of individual pages stacked on top of each other, you are going to use the single page method above to copy each of the pages WITHIN the Index Page you want copied

  2. Re-name each one as you go. I always have organized names for my pages just for my brain’s sake. I call them for example “About Banner”, “About Intro”, “About Chelsea”, etc. If I wanted to copy these pages to use in a new Services page, I would rename them “Services Banner”, “Services Intro”, etc.

  3. Create a new Index Page under the NOT LINKED category of your pages palette by clicking the “+” next to “NOT LINKED”.

  4. Name this the new page you are creating (in my example above, I would name it “Services”).

  5. Drag the new copied individual pages into the new Index Page and move the Index Page wherever you need it to go!


You now can copy all your favorite designs in just a few minutes. Let me know if you have any questions!

happy website-ing!

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