Website Template Support
let’s make this easy!
Check the Squarespace resource guide in your account for questions on how to use Squarespace.
Still have questions? E-mail using this form or to templates@23and9creative.com.
E-mail support hours are Monday - Thursday from 10am-4pm.
happy website-ing!

got questions? We got answers!
Frequently asked questions
After you click the button in the PDF that comes with your purchase, you will see a big pink button at the top that says “ENROLL IN COURSE FOR FREE." Click that and you’re in!
Look for the lesson called “Download + Edit the Graphics files”. Here, there will be a video showing you how to update the files in Canva and below the video links to open each graphic.
When you're ready to launch your site, click the settings wheel next to the new homepage in the pages palette. Scroll down in the pop up window and click “SET AS HOMEPAGE”.
More than likely I go over it in your specific template video called “How to edit content + photos”, but I’ve also created a blog post about it here.
Make sure to watch the “How to add your logo” video even if you already know how! I go over how to crop your logo to make sure this doesn’t happen.
I've created a blog post walking you through this!
more tips and tricks