My Favorite Business Podcasts

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I love a good podcast during some down time on the weekends or on my way to work! Check out some of my favorites that I recommend subscribing to. Some are more “professional” than others, but whatever the case, they always provide me with some great advice and takeaways.

Asking For a Friend

This podcast by Lauren Conrad has become a quick favorite of mine. She has casual conversations with fellow business owners and friends she has made working in the fashion industry. She interviews everyone from her social media team to her hair stylist, Kristin Ess (I love her Target haircare line!). The content is lighthearted and always an easy listen.

The Goal Digger Podcast

If you have been around the entrepreneur space for a bit, I am sure you have heard of Jenna Kutcher and the Goal Digger Podcast. Her podcast is full of educational content about all things business. Her episodes get into major things like Pinterest strategy, but also keep it real with her day-to-day life. I enjoy her mix of episodes and always look forward to a new one whenever they are released!


This podcast is perfect if you only have a few minutes a day to listen in, but want to make sure you are making good use of your time. Socialette are “bite-sized” episodes all focused on online marketing and social media. You can certainly binge a few episodes at a time if you like, but these are great for those quicker commutes as well.

Brands that Book

Another great podcast focused on business owners, Brands that Book with Davey Jones includes interviews with all types of business owners. They cover a huge variety of topics that no matter what industry you are in, you can get something beneficial out of listening in!

These are just a few in my podcasts subscription library, but I would love to know if you have a favorite that I didn’t list! DM me on Instagram to share!

Chelsea Pimienta, 23&9 Creative

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